Human Assets established in1998. It is a team of Human Resources professionals and they providing service in training and recruitment, in addition to top of the line Performance Management and L&D solutions.
The problem that the Human Asset was facing was that they wanted to share the results of the salary research generated internally on a general promontory.
But they wanted to do it with an efficient and effective way in an on-line platform.
For this project we use the Power BI, which aims to interactive visualizations and gave us the ability to publishing reports to the PC, laptops, mobiles etc.
Therefore, we consolidated the data of all the research companies and we created a model to get the analysis.
The scope of the project was achieving 100% as the report we created is absolutely interactive and easy to read as consists of different types of charts and slicers.
Slicers: Works like the filters in excel. Therefore, you can filter the whole report for example according specific Industry and one or multiple Job Titles where are in accordance to the specific industry etc.
Charts: For this report we mainly used column and Pie charts depending the information we wanted to show.
Interactive: All the charts and slicers are interactive between each other.
For example, one of the Pie charts shows the ‘Gender Demographics’ which is the percentage of the research people which their sex is male or female.
By clicking in the left side (light blue color) then the whole report shows all the data which concerns only women.
Therefore, in the specific case all the remaining graphs were filtered to show only the data for the female research population.
For example, we can see only the academic Level, the annual gross compensation, who of them have life insurance, provided fund, company car etc. of the female research population
Now by clicking in the right side (dark blue color) then the whole report change to the information which concerns only men.
In addition, by just scroll you mouse above each graph, in our example above the Gender Demographics you can also see the number of the employees who are female and male (except the percentage which is shown in the face of the graph).
Therefore, the results of the research were publishing to the interesting members in an on-line platform. And the user can see all the information in an easy and interactive way.